

PRP Serial Treatment 3KRT
PRP Serial Treatment 3KRT
749,00 €

Remember to mention on the phone when booking an appointment if you bought anesthesia!

Adding stabilized hyaluronic acid to the plasma increases the effectiveness of the procedure.

Tuotteen ostamisesta kertyy 749 kanta-asiakaspistettä.
Liity kanta-asiakkaaksi kirjautumalla sisään tai rekisteröitymällä.

This product contains three treatments and each treatment uses one tube of plasma on the face area.

PAYMENT OPTION - up to 60 months of payment time.

Among other things, Kim Kardashian's secret is PRP plasma treatment (Vampire Facelift or "vampire treatment"). The procedure is suitable for those of you who suffer from facial skin aging changes or want to prevent them - naturally. PRP treatment can speed up the healing of scars left from pimples, for example.

: Certified Aesthetic nurse

Make an appointment by phone.
HELSINKI - tel. 0201 777 288

Plasma contains growth factors that stimulate the skin to regenerate strongly. As the skin's collagen production accelerates, lines and wrinkles decrease and the skin becomes firmer. The effect starts a few weeks after the treatment, and the results last two years on average.
Even one PRP treatment brightens the skin. The best results are achieved with a series of 3-5 treatments. In this case, PRP treatments are performed approximately every month.

A man's skin and whole body work differently than a woman's. At City Clinic, these differences are taken into account by producing specially tailored solutions for men as well.
The online store's range of services includes the most modern laser, radio frequency, microwave and ultrasound treatments. You can also buy researched effective botulinum treatments and other injection treatments online. New for 2018 is the FDA approved cool sculpting liposuction.
Modern equipment, sterile equipment and the latest equipment guarantee that you will always receive efficient, safe and professional service.
At City Clinic, procedures are performed only by healthcare professionals. We help you achieve your goals.

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