

PRP-hoito ("vampyyrihoito") kasvoille
PRP-hoito ("vampyyrihoito") kasvoille
299,00 €

Remember to mention on the phone when booking an appointment if you bought anesthesia!

Clinical care

In Lahti, only doctors' treatments are performed

Adding stabilized hyaluronic acid to the plasma increases the effectiveness of the procedure.

Tuotteen ostamisesta kertyy 299 kanta-asiakaspistettä.
Liity kanta-asiakkaaksi kirjautumalla sisään tai rekisteröitymällä.

PAYMENT OPTION - up to 60 months of payment time.
Among other things, Kim Kardashian's secret is PRP plasma treatment (Vampire Facelift or "vampire treatment"). The procedure is suitable for those of you who suffer from facial skin aging changes or want to prevent them - naturally.
: certified aesthetic nurse

Treatment subjects:

1. Skin tone has changed from light to dull, even grey.
2. Facial features are sunken with sagging muscles and decreased collagen.
3. The surface of the skin is uneven, wrinkled and looks tired.
PRP plasma treatment (PRP: Platelet Rich Plasma) is particularly suitable for customers who do not want to rely on synthetic fillers. The procedure uses the customer's own blood, which is why allergic reactions or rejection symptoms are extremely unlikely.

Make an appointment by phone.
- tel. 0201 777 288

Plasma contains growth factors that stimulate the skin to regenerate strongly. As the skin's collagen production accelerates, lines and wrinkles decrease and the skin becomes firmer. The effect starts a few weeks after the treatment, and the results last two years on average.
Even one PRP treatment brightens the skin. The best results are achieved with a series of 3-5 treatments. In this case, PRP treatments are performed approximately every month.
At City Clinic, procedures are performed only by healthcare professionals. We help you achieve your goals.

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